Health and Wellness Week: July 25 – 29: 8 Surprising Benefits of Drinking Water


On this next to the last day of Health and Wellness Week, I decided to post about another physical aspect of well being and that is the benefits of water. All you physicians check me on this, but from what I know, the brain is 78% water and the body itself is composed of 98% of this stuff called dihydrogen oxide. I try to drink as much water as I can. It’s my favorite overall beverage (with Sobe Elixirs a close second…haha). In any event, with the plethora of sports drinks out, I always reach for water for replenishment and thirst when I can. I ended up finding a pretty good article earlier this week entitled

As the week winds down, I wanted to also share another friend in my Twitter stream, Dr. Melodie, a health and wellness practicioner and practicing chiropractor. She has a great health and wellness blog that I suggest you check out. I like it a lot. If I get a chance to do a final post tomorrow, I’ll reflect on what I enjoy about it. Check out my friend’s posts this week at


Health and Wellness Week: July 25 – 29 – Motivation to be well.

Hello all….

Hope everyone is well (no pun intended) This week is National Health and Welness Week and though we are into our second day of it, I thought I’d do a quick post in conjunction to what my friend Angela is doing over at hersite. One of the newer ways (over the last year) I’ve chosen to maintain health is through running (as most of you know). I find it t be a great, unemcumbered way to get good cardio exercise in. Combining that with a gym workout consisting of circuit and free weights makes a good process in getting that physical aspect of the health in.

While that maintains the physical part and does translate to the mental, there’s still that aspect of wellness that has to do how we choose to deal with, practice good thinking, and avoid those things (within our power) that can wreck our mental well being. This is the part I hope to expound on before the week ends, time willing…but as we all know …it tales motivation! Let’s strive for it.

In the mean time, time to start the grind, here’s hoping you have a great day.

Take care,
