POTD – 22/365

“Does anybody know what time it is, does anybody really care?” – Chicago

I love that song by Chicago – the music, the lyrics, the arrangement, just a really great pop song, the kind you really don’t hear anymore. I remember first hearing it in regular rotation on NYC’s WABC-AM, with DJ Cousin Brucey! LOL.

It is mad cold today!

Time, so elusive, yet it can seem to drag on and on anytime you don;t want it to. I always seem to want more, but the old and factual saying, “We all get the same amount each day – 24 hours”, all boils down to how you use it. Is that right, or am I missing something??



POTD – 21/365

There is an old saying, that I pretty much wholeheartedly subscribe to: “Failing to plan means planning to fail, so plan the work and work the plan” Planning, to me, is not a difficult task at all, I do it well, frankly. Working the plan, that last part, in the midst of unforseen (and sometimes seen) circumstances can become most difficult at time. It’s that part that I truly try to focus on, but not always successful. Then there are some that succeed in just winging it (for lack of a better phrase) and generally succeed. Which category (if any), do you fall into?

Thanks for the read.

POTD – 19/365

Life is a sport, make it count.

Happy 7th birthday to the NikeFuel Band. I won’t wax poetically about this fitness tracker because I’ve provided a number of previous blog posts I’ve done that go into depth about my relationship with it. Breaking with the one-photo-a-day approach, I’ve included a few of my favorite video and images in honor of today.

The Fuel Baand wasn’t just designed to be an activity tracker but also as a bit of fashion statement, as with there gold and silver editions.

Unlike the Apple Watch, the idea behind the NikeFuel band was to track all kinds of activity. If memory serves me correctly, the Fuel Band tracked 288 types of activities, and allowed for customized input of ANY activity, as opposed to the Apple Watch which iists 66 different workouts, including an entry called “Other” which only allows you to save the workout as “Other” or one of the 66 in the watch’s list. Below is an excellent video explain what’s behind the idea of the FuelBand.

And this video is the official launch of the NikeFuel Band (it’s about 40 mins long).

There’s still a good number of folks that wish the FuelBand would return, despite the ups and downs it faced. I really, really enjoyed its entire concept.

Have a great day!


1. Why The NikeFuel Band in 2017 – Band on The Run
2. Apple Watch Calories to NikeFuel Points
3. Farewell NikeFuel Band, It’s been a sheer pleasure

POTD – 17/365

“….Adele got a flip phone…”

Greetings all…

I’m a bit of a gadget monger. While I don’t keep every bit of outdated, dead tech (I’m about to throw some on eBay and Craigslist though), I have kept a few devices. Kept not only for nostalgia, but good memories of using them as my tech journey continued along. One item I fondly remember using is the Motorola Razr V3 above. It was my second mobile phone and I loved everything about it, from its sleek design, lines, futuristic look, operation, and form factor. After leaving it for two BlackBerrys and then the iPhone, I always wished I would still be able to use it on current networks. It was early last year that I actually became weary of all the convenient technological features (believe it or not) of my great iPhone and actually longed for the days of simplicity (and truthfully far less distraction) of a mobile phone.

Surprisingly, Verizon announced today that they are re-introducing the Razr V3 in limited quantities, only 200,000…but the cost of $1500 a pop…$1500?? No. I’m sure there are those with pockets deep enough to easily scarf one or two of these apparent “collectibles” up, but…nah. At the same time, I’m glad to see it back. If they were to release one at a far cheaper cost, I’d highly consider going back, even if Adele didn’t have a flip phone😏. (Sunny Mabrey is mad hilarious! LOL)



1. A New Motorola Razr Will Be Released This Year as a $1500 foldable phone | Android Central

POTD – 16/365

“There ‘s an app for that.”

I started seriously, or maybe I should say consistently, going to the gym in my very late 20’s…(yeah, yeah, there have been a FEW hiatuses, but that’s not what this post is about,😂)…long before the iPhone or any wearable fitness tracker was even in existence. It was then that I recorded all my workout data in a notebook: pen and paper.

Fast forward to 2019, when wearables are still the rage and smartphones are pretty ubiquitous, and everyone’s fitness data touches the cloud (if you use these devices for such) at some point. Yes, it makes it convenient, even motivating for sure, but there are still times I write down stuff in notebook – easy access, no power needed, right there whenever I need it on a sunny day (in other words, no “clouds” (get it??) in sight.


POTD – 12/365

In remembrance.

I’m not one to post very personal things to social media, I’m just not – never have been/never will be, for reasons I need not get into here. In this case I will make an exception.

Today marks two years since my father passed away. I have very fond memories of him, and like with many fathers and sons, things happen where the agreement of things don’t occur 100% of the time, but I will say this – he always provided for me in a great number ways, and has been there. The photo above was a small memorial ceremony, held at my uncle’s house – the releasing of balloons in remembrance of him

You’re still missed.

POTD – 9/365

“Things that make you go hmmmm…”

Greetings readers….

As I was writing checks to mail some bills to be paid (yes I still write checks AND use the USPS to pay bills🤣), I saw, what I’ve seen since I’ve been paying bills, on the back of this envelope below…

For some reason, for the first time, I was like…”Why have I seen this on bills and bill envelopes all my life….who in their right mind would try to pay a debt with stamps?”

Enter our friend, Google Search. Turns out, it appears stamps were considered legal tender in the US, according to the Stamp Payment Act is 1862:

The Stamp Payments Act of 1862–“Section 1 of the Act provided for the use of postage stamps as currency for government debts valued at less than five dollars.

Postage stamps have served as money in areas as diverse as America, Europe, and the Far East. During the American Civil War merchants, struggling with a shortage of small coins, began the practice of making small change with postage stamps. Daily purchases of stamps increased fivefold in New York City alone, and individual stamps circulated until they became too dirty and tattered for recognition. John Gault, a Boston sewing-machine salesman, proposed the encasement of stamps in circular metal discs with transparent mica on one side showing the face of the stamp. Soon the metal side of the discs was bearing inscriptions of advertisements; one series of encased stamps bore the slogan, “Ayer’s Sarsaparilla to Purify the Blood.” Denominations of encased stamp money ranged from 1 cent to 90 cents, and one rectangular encasement had three 3-cent stamps, making a 9-cent coin.

The government took up the idea of postage money and begin issuing postage currency in denominations of 5-, 10-, 15-, and 50-cent stamps, and some of the postage currency was even perforated around the edges to resemble stamps. The postage currency soon dropped any association with postage stamps and became simple fractional currency in denominations of 3 cents to 50 cents and bearing the inscription “Receivable for all U.S. stamps.”

It appears that this act has never been repealed, such that now, creditors must dictate that cash or stamps can’t be sent as payment for a debt.


Enjoy your day/night


POTD – 6/365

Greetings all…

Well, winter is well underway, complete with associated temperatures in many places. For those experiencing those temps, are you ready for summer yet?

The pic below was taken from my driveway almost three years ago to the day. For a cold day, it was a really nice sunset that caught my eye as I got out of the car. Sunset colors can, at times, be invitingly vibrant. I don’t recall seeing similar during the last few winters, but will definitively be on the lookout.

Hope you had a good first weekend of the new year.



POTD – 5/365

Get away, let’s leave today, let’s get away!
Let’s leave today, let’s get away
Let’s get away!
Let’s leave today, let’s get away

ThIs is the lyrical hook to Earth, Wind & Fire’s smash 1977 hit “Getaway”, the essence of something I think about all too often but hardly get a chance to do, or so it seems.

You know how it is, the daily grind-never enough hours in the day- always have things to take care of-things.

I fully realize the importance of extended relax time, especially away from the major distractions we are presented with in this day and age. The key is to make that realization happen. This past July was one of those times…and much needed/appreciated.



POTD – 4/365

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road” – Jack Kerouac, On The Road

Greetings all.

In my 30 years of working as a professional, there was only a span of two years where I didn’t drive to work. That span of time, 1988 to 1990, was when first moved to Washington, DC (June 1988 to be exact). It was then I caught the Yellow Line from Gallery Place to Crystal City everyday. Other than that, I’ve driven with commute times as little as ten minute and as much as (with traffic on a bad day) 60 mins (I was stuck in the big snowstorm of 1998 between Reston and DC for 8 hours trying to drive home). After all these years, I’d easily sacrifice the sometime long waits for the subway train in order to relax on the way into work versus fighting with rush hour traffic, etc.

Today’s photo is en route home one afternoon from work. On a the best of days, it’s a 35 min commute, partially on the Beltway and I-95. This small stretch has many different looks. This one I caught was a quick minute emptiness ahead with the at just the right angle…before the rain…Hope you enjoy it.

