Social Media Sabbatical (SMS): Day 10 – 10 Aug 18

Hello…. and the weekend is here! In a way, it’s been a long one (work wise I guess), but Friday did get here kinda quick so I guess they cancel each other out. I’m sitting in Starbucks, with a cup of ice that is displacing 14.5 oz of Teavana Craft Iced Tea – Peach Green Tea. I’m sorta working/sorta decompressing with some me time before heading home. I’m debating getting up and leaving my warm bed at 2:30am to go to work for the social event they are having to witness the launch of NASA’s Parker Solar Probe spacecraft. The launch is scheduled for 3:33 am on a Delta IV rocket, courtesy of United Lauch Alliance.

Why is this launch special? It’s the first mission I worked on since returning back to the satellite/space exploration business. Though I didn’t work on it nearly as long as the other missions I’ve been working on for the last eight months, the company I work for built this spacecraft for NASA. So, that said, I may just do that. The second good part is that I get a crazy early start to my Saturday! LOL. We’ll see.

No articles to share today about the social media sabbatical. I did have a short chat with a friend who says she is thinking of cutting back a bit. I’m just gaining daily insight everyday overall. This isn’t the first time I left FB, but it is the first time leaving both FB and Instagram for this long together.

Anyway, that’s about it. If this is the first post you’re reading about the title subject, feel free to start at 1 August to catch up, if you’re so inclined.

Have a good weekend….