Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 12 July 08

Photo Credit: Sandy Betts

Good day listeners….welcome to another edition of The Sunday Soundtrack. It’s a gorgeous day out (which lets u know I am actually doing this Sunday afternoon…ha!) In any event, I will definitely be partaking of some of this sunshine. I hope things are well were u are!

I’ve got a good mix of tracks for this edition, presented in my usual “rush hour” mix – uptempo (leaving work) to a slow pace (winding down at home). On tap is some Incognito, Blue Six, ORG Lounge, Keston and Westdal, and the like,

Kudos to my many listeners, especially those on Twitter, who continue to provide me with links and visuals to help my present this podcast in a unique way. Shout outs to my Facebook group members as well. Thanks for listening…Kristoff…much thanks for feeding my global goodness for the podcast. That being said, I present to u the playlist for 12 Jul 09:

I Can See The Future – Incognito/No Time Like The Future [Bonus Track]
Sanctuary – MJ Cole/Sincere
Reel Life (Evolution II) – The Cinematic Orchestra/Man With a Movie Camera
Good Morning London – Kaya Project/Elixir
Aquarian Angel – Blue Six/Aquarian Angel
Onikoroshi – Keston and Westdal/Super Structure Baby
Musikkvennen – ORG Lounge/Has It Come to This
Nobody Knows Me -Aya/Strange Flower
Florent 2 A.M – Blank & Jones/Relax Edition 3 (Sun) – EP
Right Is Right [Full Version] – Paradiso/Paradise II Paranoia

Another weekend come and gone. I enjoyed it, spent some time at the pool, working on some personal tracks in studio, advancing work on our CD project, etc. I hope that your weekend was as enjoyable, and that your work week is even better.

If you’re on Twitter and Facebopk, please feel free to follow The Sunday Soundtrack there as well. The links are in my blogroll….over there ——->

Keep it chilled…


Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 22 Mar 08

Hello listeners! Welcome back to the Sunday Soundtrack.

HAPPY VERNAL EQUINOX (Spring has finally arrived….although the temps on Friday were NON seasonal…haha). In any event, bye bye Winter… I’m ready for spring and the birth of all things refreshing. Hope everyone is doing well. I don’t feel particularly chatty today, although I don’t really know if I’m ever seen as such in these blogposts….(I would say not but…). I will say that I like this particular assembly of tracks for this podcast edition. I went back and discovered artists such as Andy Caldwell and Sounds From The Ground. As you know, anything out of The Blackfish collective, I am thoroughly down with! I hope you enjoy this set as well.

I’ve started paying more attention to Myspace as well as The Podsafe and Creative Commons networks. They happen to be most excellent resources for the tracks I feature here. Virtual head nod to them both. With that being said, the playlist is as follows:

1. Invierno – Andy Caldwell/Pan Global Electro Lounge Vol. 1
2. deepster – attic tree/moving pattern session 1
3. Anagram – Dousk/D.I.Y.
4. Deepness Is Served – J. Axel/Deepness Is Served
5. 93 Reasons – Platonic/Sound In Color, Vol. 1
6. Eclipse On 5th – Sounds from the Ground/Brightwhitelight
7. Optymystic – Tom Middleton/Life Tracks
8. Stay Home And Chill – Headphonism
9. The Sweetness of Charity [spoken word] (The Groove 7 Edit) – Racquel
10. Destiny – Zero 7/Ultra Chilled

Next week…brand new tracks…I’m looking forward to bringing you those, as well as more material by yours truly…straight from The Lab. Stay tuned!

Shout outs to my podcast massive over there to the right (in my blog roll), keep doin’ it right! Special shout to Lady T for the drop today, as well as the *six* others you emailed me. Highly appreciated!

Using Twitter? Feel free to follow The Sunday Soundtrack. If you’re on Facebook, check the group out here

I send well wishes to everyone…hope you are emjoying the morning/afternoon/evening/night…what ever time this post finds you.
