In The Lab – Dec 2009

Greetings crew….

Happy Holidays (Kwanzaa, Happy New Year, etc) to all. A lot of you catch my tweets about what I’m doing musically, so I wanted to give you a peek at where it all happens. All the composers, songwriters, musicians, etc have such a spot, most of them (obviously your truly) tend to call it a lab of some sort. I was talking with a friend yesterday, who’s a songwriter/musician/producer about studio workspaces and how they run the gamut of styles. I kinda thrive on ergonomics, comfort, and organization, etc…helps the muse flow freely. As for as tools, I’m a firm believer that the best utilize what they have to the max to get the results needed.

I’m looking forward to completing a long awaited CD that my partner and I have been working on, continuing work on a collaboration called “contempojazzsoulhop” with my boys Fave and Todd, a smooth jazz project with KLWJazz, more remixes for Philip Clark, gospel jazz keyboardist Kevin Battle, vocal group Destined 2 Praise, vocalist Dana Yates, more production work with AfterSix Productions, saxophonist Harron Evoria, annnnnnd my own CD project, whew. Ok, anyway, here’s mine, in it’s current form:

That’s about it…now u see where the tweets flow from, the hangout spot.

Happy New Year…


Workin’ it Out In The Lab (AfterSix Productions)

Fresh and Solo reviewing the vocal track
Photo credit :DBassist

Hey people…

Hope all is good, and that is including your weekend. My partner and I had a recording session, more so a work session for one of the tracks from our upcoming last night. In studio was one of our vocalists, Solomon “Solo” Parker, workin’ out his part of a duet I wrote called Starting Over. I decided to bring you in on a small bit of what we were doing, and a lil bit of a blooper (we like recording those) as well.

Dan and Solo working out the lyrical flow
Dan and Solo working out the lyrical flow….

Pretty happy about how the end monologue is developing:

For some reason, my digital audio interface had the hiccups (crazy…broken… 😉 ):

The CD project is moving along, though it’s been a long timecoming. We plan on dropping it before the end of the year. Stay tuned for the official website launch

