I hope this post finds you well. Right now, I’m finding myself wanted some hot chocolate because my daily water intake is that of 32 ounces of being ice cold, so I definitely need to warm up (even with this hoodie on).
The other day I was thinking about all the places I’ve been able to visit on this earth and there are many more I’d like to visit in my time allowed here.
I was born and raised in the US, New Jersey to be exact. I started traveling to an early ag, many times, to the island of Jamaica, for reasons you can probably guess. At that same time frame, but for not as often, I also traveled to Guyana. In my younger years, those were the two places outside of my homeland, that my feet were planted in. As I got older, there were many states in North America that I frequented, they are as follows:
- New York
- Connecticut (where I attended college)
- Florida
- Massachusetts
- North Carolina
- California (mainly for business travel)
- Texas
- Illinois
- Virginia
- Marlyand
- District of Columbia
- Rhode Island
- New Mexico
I think that sums it up. After starting my career, I spent a fair amount of time travel back and forth to Canada, as I was in a long distance relationship with a woman who worked in Toronto. Working for Continental Airlines, at the time, made it quite convenient (and cheap to fly SA), so no complaints there. I even contemplated moving there at one point.
Later on, I spent my honeymoon in Aruba for a week and years later was afforded to travel to Guam on business and that trip also afforded me to visit Japan and Hawaii, so I’m glad I was able to add those to my list of places I got to trod. The Guam trip is quite memorable. Alas, those places round out the list of places my feet trod. There are still many places I’d like to visit on vacation but I haven’t given it much thought as to where the next stop would be. Maybe, one day I will.
Nice posts; made me reflect on where I’ve been. So far, I have visited 4 continents and 34 countries, which equates to only 14% of the countries in the world. We used to travel a lot, but over the past 10 years or so we’ve slowed down. And certainly since covid, having traveled much at all. We did go to Mallorca this year. It was our first trip abroad since the pandemic. I think in 2023, I need to get back on the road again.
Pingback: on the places you’ll go – soulcruzer
Glad I was able to inspire!
COVID has had a profound effect on traveling for sure. Wherever you and yours tree, be safe my friend!