Ok, so….I’m ironing my clothes on Labor Day, getting them ready for the work week. My bluetooth headphones are on and I’m streaming some very chilled beats via the Fluid Channel on somafm.com. I’m just about done ironing five days worth of clothes and in comes my 22 y/o daughter from downstairs, or her bedroom, or wherever. The dialog begins:
Her: Dad, did you get my text? (her mother and brother already answered)
Me (taking off headphones): No, I haven’t looked at my phone in like 90 mins. (checks text message…. and sees this):

Me: Do you mean to tell me, couldn’t come upstairs, or from your bedroom or from WHEREVER you were to ask me this ??
Her: Well I…
Me (cutting her off): LOL, if it’s something important, or you need an answer…just come and ask me…you and your brother are the same way! Geez LOL.
Her: Ok okaaay, how is 2pm?
Me: Fine
After she leaves, I’m like, how did this SMS thing get folk to be so lazy, I mean, we’re in the saaaame house! I’ve heard stories of teens right next to each other, texting things back and forth when they can just show each other whatever it is! LOL.
I got to thinking, it’s been a long time since this thing worked,We have four in the house that worked when we first moved in almost 20 years ago. Look familiar to you?

The art of communication in 2019…gotta love it.
I ain’t mad at her. I’ve done this to my Queen many of times. Yep, texting: the new innercom of the 21st Century.