Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 30 Aug 09

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Greetings listeners….

I hope all is well. It was a pretty long work week that just past, and while chillin’ in studio Friday night, I get this alert on my phone:

From: SomaFM
To: Doug R
ReplyTo: dj@somafm.com
Subject: Live Space Shuttle coverage tonight on Mission Control
Sent: Aug 28, 2009 10:26 PM

Dear Doug R:

Sorry for the late notice, hope you get this in time:

After 2 aborted attempts earlier this week, Space Shuttle Mission
STS-128 is set to launch tonight (in just a couple hours) at 9pm
pacific, midnight Eastern time (04:00 GMT) on a flight to the
international space station.

We’ll be mixing ambient music and the live mission audio from NASA on
our new Mission Control channel. You can tune in at http://somafm.com

If you’re using a device that needs a direct stream link, that is:

We hope you’ll tune in!

Best of luck to Commander Rick Sturckow and the crew of STS-128

At that time I was still trying to decide on the tracks for this weekend’s podcast, then……the light bulb went off. I had never done a pure ambient show before….at least before now ;-). So, I present to u, The Sunday Soundtrack STS-128 Mission Control Flow. I know that I have a few ambient fans out there, as well as a few Twitter followers that express keen NASA interest, either as an employee or enthusiast (some of you know I supported NASA as a systems engineer for 8 years, and began my career in satellite communications in 1988). I had the good fortune of visiting Cape Canaveral to view a launch of satellite that was one of ten that got put into orbit, part of a Dept of Navy program I worked on. If you ever have a chance to view a launch, take advantage of it…it still excites me.

That being said, I present to you this week’s playlist:

Space Shuttle Discovery Launch audio. The STS-128 mission to the International Space Station.

♫ Yuminale – On The Eve Of Loxic Streams
♫ Velocette – Space Q
♫ Steve Roach, Erik Wollo – Stream Of Thought 19
♫ Disturbed Earth – Temple
♫ Spice Barons – Voyager (And What Did You Think Of The First Episode)
♫ Anthony Rother – Elixir Of Life Part I
♫ Gas – Zauberberg V
♫ Alpha Wave Movement – Silent Promise
♫ Natural Frequencies Aka Andreas Leifeld – Timeless
♫ Harold Budd – The Room Alight
♫ William Edge – Not Returning Home

I hope you’ve enjoyed the ambient flow this weekend. As I’ve said previously, you can find tracks like these, as well as other excellent chillout and electronica tracks at Soma FM as well as follow them on Twitter

For getting excellent launch and mission coverage, follow Space Launch News on Twitter.

Special shout out to Hidden Place and Steph, my ambient expert and NASA bud.

Keep it ultra-chilled.


2 thoughts on “Welcome To The Sunday Soundtrack – 30 Aug 09

  1. cool idea! Somefm’s Mission Control is great, so of course i really enjoyed this episode too. somehow voices from space and ambient music fit perfectly together…

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