First there was the Blackberry, the cash cow of Research In Motion (RIM), a mobile phone of immense popularity. Now, arguably the best mobile phone ever created, the iPhone has taken the mobile phone community by storm (no pun intended, RIM). Now…introducing…the oPhone. Yes, President Obama will be able to keep his Blackberry (he told the NY Times that it will have to be pryed from his hands), but due to the lack of secure architecture of his Blackberry, Mr President will be issued another phone, a securely pimped out version of his current phone. The new substitute or secondary device for Mr Obama’s Blackberry, The Sectera Edge, by General Dynamics, could cost as much as $3,350 (talk about pimped and tricked out!).
Here’s the full story…
to bad it’s on the Windows Platform…Windows Mobile is not the best platform. 🙁
I’m glad he is able to keep his BB. I like that he is so in tuned with wanting to stay “connected”.
“…the iPhone has taken the mobile phone community by storm” LOL, that was good.
I love his steadfastness on this and his ability to make things (change) happen…he’s the President you can’t just tell him no.
::: Darrenkeith – I tend to agree with you, so goes to show u the continuing power of Micro$oft…
::: neoCarla, Angela – I’m so hyped to see that we have a president that is so versed in technology and has a desire to see it and science regain its level importance in the advancement of the US.