Social Media Sabbatical (SMS): Day 3 – 03 Aug 18 – Twitter/Usage Curbing Apps?

Greetings all…

Day 3, baby… It was a good day, productive at work. This particular spacecraft mission I’m working on is getting busier, especially with my immediate boss down at KSC supporting the Parker Solar Probe launch activities (we launch on a Delta IV on 11 August – hopefully we don’t slip).

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned the belief that when you drop off social media, for whatever reason, *generally* you’re not really missed for a number of different reasons – folks busy with their own social media movements, folks busy with life, etc. DarrenKeith, who’s also on this sabbatical for the same reason, mentioned that sometimes you ARE actually missed. I replied in agreement. Interestingly, before he made that comment. I got this DM via Twitter:

It not only showed me that DarrenKeith was on point in his reply, but it showed me that how I roll on social media IS actually noticed, even if never publicly said. Good thing, yeah.

So yeah, Twitter is the only social network I’m still using for my 100 Days of Code progress status. Originally, my plan was to auto-schedule my status posts via Hootsuite, but I decided to keep the Twitter app on my phone for convenience. The one *issue* I see I am still having with this is….I’m still seeming to scroll tweets beyond what notifications or replies I’m getting via my progress status post. That said, I think I’m going to remove the app from my phone. Why? One of the other reasons for the sabbatical is to reduce the “phone addiction” EVERRRRYONE knows how convenient it is to scroll social media, play games, read news, whatever, via this mobile device. In short, my approach is to use the phone for what it was originally designed for – to make and receive calls. In other words, put it down – stop walking around with it.

Ironically, I got this email today about how Facebook and Instagram are developing tools to help the user spend less time on the phone. While this is not brand new, and I understand the intent, for the most part, I’m like….”Yeah, right”. The concept is oxymoronic to me. In summary, I agree with the last two sentences of the last paragraph:

“For some users, it might be enough to make social media feel nice again. But for most of us, it won’t do much to slow the scroll.” If you’re interested in the article, you can check it out here.

That’s it for now…

::: oceans of rhythm :::


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About Fresh

Mac Fan/Sys. Engr - NASA planetary missions. guitarist/producer/AFOL/fitness fan/film+TV+sndtrk composer/podcast host/Python newbie coder. Music by me: Mellowly Cool. Find me on X and Bluesky
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2 Responses to Social Media Sabbatical (SMS): Day 3 – 03 Aug 18 – Twitter/Usage Curbing Apps?

  1. darrenkeith3 says:

    Iron Sharpens Iron. I’m about to do the same thing with Twitter. I will only use Twitter when it comes to posting my blog posts. I find myself sometimes scrolling through the timeline knowing the app is in my phone. I want to get to a point to when I’m using Twitter it’s for MY benefit.

    I’m so loving posting in my blog again and readung your posts is pushing bme in the right direction Brother. Thank You.

  2. Fresh says:


    I couldnt have said it better. Like we discussed earlier, I removed the Twitter app from my phone for the same reason I’m about to post today’s blog and expound on that a bit. What is interesting is, this is the first time that I can remember that I’ve blogged four days in a row. This….is good the blogging, the social media scroll aversion…all of it. Thanks for sharpening me as well.

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